Salon du Livre de Montreal
Centenary’s Éditions Tintamarre was selected as the featured publishing house by the Book Festival of Montréal (Salon du livre de Montréal, or SDL), the second largest French-language book festival in the world with nearly 700 major publishing house booths. The festival was held at Montréal’s Palais des congrès from November 22 through 27, 2023.
Centenary was represented at the festival by Dr. Dana Kress, executive director of the Centenary College of Louisiana Press and recently retired professor of French, Dr. Andia Augustin-Billy, associate professor of French and Francophone Studies, and Dr. Ryan Doherty, who joined the College this fall as assistant professor of French. Their participation in the festival was generously underwritten by SDL, the Centre de la Francophonie des Ameriques, and the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana (CODOFIL) through the Louisiana Office of the Lieutenant Governor’s Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.